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Thursday, December 6, 2007

George Bush is an Idiot

Yup, that's right he is a total bozo. The guy has no intellectual curiousity and shouldn't be where he is. (anyone remember, "The President is not a reader"?) He has no empathy and probably would qualify as a psychopath. One quote that spoke volumes for me was this one from Ronald Reagan Jr.
And chances are your America and George W. Bush's America are not the same place. If you are dead center on the earning scale in real-world twenty-first-century America, you make a bit less than $32,000 a year, and $32,000 is not a sum that Mr. Bush has ever associated with getting by in his world. Bush, who has always managed to fail upwards in his various careers, has never had a job the way you have a job—where not showing up one morning gets you fired, costing you your health benefits. He may find it difficult to relate personally to any of the nearly two million citizens who've lost their jobs under his administration, the first administration since Herbert Hoover's to post a net loss of jobs. Mr. Bush has never had to worry that he couldn't afford the best available health care for his children. For him, forty-three million people without health insurance may be no more than a politically inconvenient abstraction. When Mr. Bush talks about the economy, he is not talking about your economy. His economy is filled with pals called Kenny-boy who fly around in their own airplanes. In Bush's economy, his world, friends relocate offshore to avoid paying taxes. Taxes are for chumps like you. You are not a friend. You're the help. When the party Mr. Bush is hosting in his world ends, you'll be left picking shrimp toast out of the carpet."
See the whole article here. Boy ain't that the truth. How did someone like that convince so many people that he was fit to be President? I think I can safely say that the 2000 election was stolen. It should never have happened that way and George Bush was definitely not the nations choice. Not only that but It seems to me that you could argue that he didn't really win the 2004 election either. This time it was with the complicity of the media. If you didn't go out and look for it you would never have found out about the voting problems in Ohio, the state that went to Bush and cost Kerry the election. But really it should have been all over the news. I guess it must be that liberal media again huh? Now if you ask me it's time for Impeachment. This guys administration has done more criminal acts since Richard Nixon. It's time for We the People to act. I just don't see it happening too soon, and it's a damn shame.
Finally the man is just a damn idiot.
George Idiot Bush - The most popular videos are here

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