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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Condi tries to save the administration's ass.

Ah, just a case of too little too late. Condi Rice is trying hard to save her boyfriend's butt and his legacy by actually attempting to accomplish something good in the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. Of course our current pres apparently thought he could approach this issue with all the knowledge he got while dozing off in sunday school. Perhaps if, seven years ago, we actually pursued a peace process instead of rattling sabers, attacking countries that were no threat to us and acting in such a way as to convince the rest of the world that we are, indeed, an imperialist threat, something may be accomplished. But for now this is way too little way too late. For now me and the rest of the world are simply waiting for the next administration to put sanity back into the white house. Hoping that the Idiot in Chief doesn't cause us to self destruct in the meantime.

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