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Monday, November 10, 2008

It's Obama Time. Thank God.

Well the election is over and Obama is the new President. I guess that people finally felt enough pain and embarrassment over Bush's regime that they elected an intelligent, thoughtful man who will probably go down in history as one of the best. Unlike the current idiot. Check this out! This is right in front of VCU in Richmond VA. The crowd basically shut down Broad st. Isn't that great! Here is another. Now pay special attention to the faces in both of these and remember you are watching RICHMOND, VIRGINIA the capital of the Confederate States of America. You will see Black, White, Asian, Indian and EVERYTHING. That is a wonderful diverse thing to watch. This is liberal at it's best.
And get this, executive orders to undo some of the horror that Bush has unleashed. I hope Obama does well. He has a good start.


Socialist WebZine said...

Check out my blog for answer. Seems like Obama is already demobilizing!

Pluto Sontse said...

Yeah you're probably right. But it is nice to get excited about a possibility, when a significant change like this occurs. I particularly like and agree with this statement of yours, "The struggle for healthcare, economic justice and political participation is open to all those who elude the management of their imagination. Anyone remember - yes we can? It was not so long ago."