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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bush Defends Capitalism.

Here is an interesting article. You got to love the continued praise and defense of unregulated supply side free markets eh? This guy is definitely not in our reality. HELLLLOOOO! We just had a basic meltdown of our financial system mainly because it wasn't regulated enough to prevent greedy bastards from taking advantage and this dude is recommending that we continue to keep it unregulated??!! What is he thinking with? It is obvious that he is not concerned with the average joe. You know the one? The average joe that Gov Palin always was referring to? Yeah that one. Well it becomes more and more apparent as we move into the future and the more one thinks about it at all that Socialism is the way to go. Socialism can guarantee access to things like healthcare, social security and education. There has to be a way to have a good mix of the marketplace for dispersal of goods and services and socialism for the guarantee of access. This has been know as Market Socialism. This link too. Mr. Bush your version of proto-fascist capitalism is hopefully soon to be at an end. Though I don't think that Obama is a socialist by any means I am hoping that he sets the stage for the regulation that our system needs.

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