I am an Angry Liberal. I say that unapologetically. I wasn’t always this way; in fact I used to be practically cheerful once. Over time I have gotten frustrated and upset. Yes, downright angry.
Let me say why. First, let me get this out because it bothers me. Ronald Reagan is not a saint. In fact, he wasn't even a good president. He was responsible for the largest structural deficit at the time. He did not, repeat did not, bring down the Soviet Union. That was simply economics and internal politics. To hear some Reagan acolytes you would think the guy marched out on a white horse and slew the Red bear himself; sheesh! He is responsible for a lot of human suffering and misery and set the stage for the current bozo. It rankles me they renamed National after him. If I was an air traffic controller at National I would be ticked every day I went to work. Remember he fired them all? Wasn't that illegal?. Can government bust unions?
George W. Bush did not win in 2000. Yes I know we liberals are supposed to get over this but the fact remains. The Supreme Court selected him. Regardless of how you counted Florida votes and for whom they went, the margin was within the statistical margin of error. That means a statistical dead heat. A tie! The electoral votes should have been split. The Court should have split them. But of course this would have given Gore the Presidency. Couldn’t have that, huh?
I am angry because in November 2004, the election was again stolen. This time in a far more sophisticated manner, and with the complicity of the media. Computer voting machines were hacked. Exit polling showed Kerry ahead by a wide margin yet voting machines showed a Bush win, with no paper trail. Google 'voting machines hacked in 2004' just for kicks. You will see what I mean. Did you ever see this in your 'News'?
No matter how often I see Bush in the media I see a spoiled rich kid who never had to work a day in his life. He never had to choose between groceries or medicine, never had to endure calls from the bank or creditors, never had to decide what to cut off the kids Christmas list because he had to pay the electric bill. He doesn’t live in the world of the average American. Sorry folks, not my president and he wasn’t elected on Sept 11 either.
I am angry because we were lied into a war we had no business getting into. There were no WMD. We didn't find them. Saddam had no ties to Al Qaeda and he wasn’t responsible for September 11. Is this administration as incompetent as they seem? Can you say Katrina? It appears that we are no safer from terrorists (rather vague word that) than we were. There is no justification after expending soldiers over there.
I am angry the economy has been largely ignored or apparently misunderstood by this administration. Supply side economics simply don't work. What was done to our infrastructure to really create employment? Aside from spending in the military industrial complex, I see nothing. Perhaps economics is understood by this administration and manipulated for the benefit of Rich Allies.
It’s tough being a liberal. There is much to be frustrated with; the so-called liberal media, (actually neither liberal nor conservative just corporate) welfare myths, the surrender of civil liberties to shadowy terrorists, ad infinitum. We liberals are evidently dangerous. Apparently we're treasonous and slanderous; liberals are responsible the country’s woes. Frankly I don’t see a dime’s worth of difference between democrats or republicans. We liberals aren’t in charge and probably never were. We are just dissenters. It seems dissenting is not considered patriotic anymore. Yes, I am a liberal. An angry frustrated one, but a liberal nonetheless.
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