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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What's Going On?

Right Winger George W. is practically nationalizing the banking system. And not in a good way mind you, more like Mussolini and the Italian Fascists, it's a form of national corporatism. Johnny McC is calling Obama a socialist, which is hard to fathom given the previous sentence. And those of us who are average joes stuck in the middle are getting the shaft. Whose the highlight of the media campaign news? Joe the plumber. WTF? When you listen to Joe he is just some whack job libertarian. Though I quite honestly think some libertarian beliefs are right on, I still think we need some form of government to guarantee and run things like healthcare and education as well as Fire, Police and Military. I think the biggest problem in this country is capitalism itself, left alone to it's devices capitalism will eat it's young, drive more people to poverty and cause fear, pain and misery. The invisible hand is cruel and heartless and we as intelligent human beings must ask ourselves is this really the best we can do? Is a system that is based in greed and selfishness really going to work out for us in the long run? There has to be something better and for humans to be able to engineer incredible solutions to other problems it seems that impossible to believe that we cannot solve this one. Unless, of course, some very rich people and corporations are somehow preventing it. But that wouldn't be happening, right? heh.