More idiot tripe from the President, aren't you glad we aren't Headed in to Recession? I mean seriously, get this, "On one issue particularly worrisome to American consumers, there are indications that paying $4 for a gallon of gasoline is not out of the question once the summer driving season arrives. Asked about that, Bush said "That's interesting. I hadn't heard that. ... I know it's high now." " The man didn't hear about it?! Is he that insulated? Is he incapable of thinking outside of anything other than what he thinks he believes? My God, do we need a Barack Obama. We are so overdue for an intelligent human being in the president's office that it is unbelievable. The only way I can believe that this guy got elected is because the elections were fixed. I cannot bring myself to believe that over 50 million people were that stupid.
Hacked Election.
Stolen Election.
Election Fraud.
I think we should worry people, a lot.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
George Bush, "We are not headed into Recession."
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
5:13 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
Is the 2008 election already fixed?
George Bush gave a speech before the Republican Governors Association and in it he predicts that the GOP will keep the white house. After the 2000 election and then the 2004 election theft it becomes apparent that republican operatives are getting good at election subterfuge. Dubya also predicted that the GOP would retake the house and senate. I hope he is as intelligent with his predictions as he is with his leadership skills. The guy is an idiot.
An Idiot.
An Idiot.
An Idiot.
An Asshole.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
11:04 PM
Labels: George Bush Idiot Asshole
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Obama's Patriotism
You know what bugs the hell out of me? Conservative media tripe. First of all the media is corporate and conservative, so don't go trying to tell me or anyone that it is liberal. You would have to be totally brainless to believe that it is liberal. Now that it looks like Obama is on a roll and could get the Democratic nomination and likely the White House, Fox 'news' and idiots like Limbaugh and Hannity et al, would question his patriotism! This is the mark of fascism folks. Believe you me. Remember the 14 points of fascism? Criminy they are even after the guy's wife Michelle. Here is what she said the other day, "Michelle Obama told an audience in Milwaukee, "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country. Not just because Barack is doing well, but I think people are hungry for change."" Did you read that closely? She is not being unpatriotic or claiming that her country sucks or whatever. She said that people are showing that they are ready for change and that makes her proud. Because up until this point it looked like the country was headed straight down the shit-hole of fascism. And the the media fascists would have you believe that dissent of any kind is unpatriotic. I will tell you what is unpatriotic, telling others that they have to behave in specific ways or that they HAVE to place their hand over their heart. Or they can't disagree with things that are obviously stupid, like the war in Iraq. The U.S. has been going steadily downhill for the last seven years, heck really since 1980. I am glad that things are changing and I am ready for Obama. I just hope enough people think critically enough to look past the republican and media idiots.
Obama is the man!!
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
3:05 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
Ex-President Bush says attacks on McCain "unfair"
I just had to have a brief comment on this. It is so unfair, says George Sr., that you guys are all pickin' on Johnny McCain. Hey, so when Georgie jr. was spreading lies and tripe about McCain during the 2000 campaign that was okay huh? These people are unbelievable. Their situational ethics make them the most dangerous politicians of any. Vote Obama. Time for change.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
7:10 PM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I'm Taking a Break.
Heck, no one is reading my stuff. I am feeling a little angry and frustrated with everything. It is no longer a catharsis to bang out a paragraph or two on a subject. I want Obama to get the nomination. I want people to know that goddamn corn is NOT the ONLY thing you can make ethanol from. Jesus people, potatoes, beets, sugar cane, then there is cellulosic get with it. Until we get to the hydrogen economy ethanol is going to be the stop gap.
The freekin president is a moron and an arrogant jerk. He is a crook that has broken the law and should be impeached, as should Cheney, Rice, Mukasey and all the rest of them. The biggest reason congress' polls are lower than Bush's is because they won't conduct any real oversight. Impeach the bastards!
Ah, but as I said this isn't really doing anything for me. If anyone should happen upon my words of wisdom and think they would like me to write more than please comment. Otherwise I am going on a hiatus. Bye.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
9:10 PM
Monday, February 11, 2008
Who's readin my Shit! Anyone?
Anyone out there actually reading this stuff? Leave me a comment and let me know please. Click on an AD. Tell me I stink. Any response at this point is welcome, just so I know I am not shouting into the wilderness.
Hey. To The Masquerade website is up and functional. Looks really good. Check it out.
If George Bush is stumping for McCain it is all the more reason NOT to vote for him. Cause we all know how BRILLIANT Mr. "My Pet Goat" is eh? Rep. Tom Lantos has passed away, which is a major bummer. He was 80 years old but dang, it seems like all the good ones die. How about that Obamarama!! Hoo boy, he swept the weekend caucuses (caucii?) and boy does he look really good. I absolutely want him for the Democratic candidate. An Obama/Edwards ticket would be wicked sweet.
Anyone catch the Grammys? I tried for a while but when Tina Turner came out, yeesh. I won't say anything. But I went to bed shortly afterward. That awards show just doesn't have it anymore. Heck there are too damn many of them now anyway.
The price of gas is dropping which is nice...anyone think it will continue for a bit more? Yeah me neither. Frustrations galore. Nuff said.
Don't forget to check out the TTM links, Great Band!
An Interview with's Inside Center.
Boston Phoenix profile
The Rugby Store Event, New Canaan.
To The Masquerade at
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
12:01 PM
Labels: To the Masquerade Obama Grammys
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The Angry Liberal
I am an Angry Liberal. I say that unapologetically. I wasn’t always this way; in fact I used to be practically cheerful once. Over time I have gotten frustrated and upset. Yes, downright angry.
Let me say why. First, let me get this out because it bothers me. Ronald Reagan is not a saint. In fact, he wasn't even a good president. He was responsible for the largest structural deficit at the time. He did not, repeat did not, bring down the Soviet Union. That was simply economics and internal politics. To hear some Reagan acolytes you would think the guy marched out on a white horse and slew the Red bear himself; sheesh! He is responsible for a lot of human suffering and misery and set the stage for the current bozo. It rankles me they renamed National after him. If I was an air traffic controller at National I would be ticked every day I went to work. Remember he fired them all? Wasn't that illegal?. Can government bust unions?
George W. Bush did not win in 2000. Yes I know we liberals are supposed to get over this but the fact remains. The Supreme Court selected him. Regardless of how you counted Florida votes and for whom they went, the margin was within the statistical margin of error. That means a statistical dead heat. A tie! The electoral votes should have been split. The Court should have split them. But of course this would have given Gore the Presidency. Couldn’t have that, huh?
I am angry because in November 2004, the election was again stolen. This time in a far more sophisticated manner, and with the complicity of the media. Computer voting machines were hacked. Exit polling showed Kerry ahead by a wide margin yet voting machines showed a Bush win, with no paper trail. Google 'voting machines hacked in 2004' just for kicks. You will see what I mean. Did you ever see this in your 'News'?
No matter how often I see Bush in the media I see a spoiled rich kid who never had to work a day in his life. He never had to choose between groceries or medicine, never had to endure calls from the bank or creditors, never had to decide what to cut off the kids Christmas list because he had to pay the electric bill. He doesn’t live in the world of the average American. Sorry folks, not my president and he wasn’t elected on Sept 11 either.
I am angry because we were lied into a war we had no business getting into. There were no WMD. We didn't find them. Saddam had no ties to Al Qaeda and he wasn’t responsible for September 11. Is this administration as incompetent as they seem? Can you say Katrina? It appears that we are no safer from terrorists (rather vague word that) than we were. There is no justification after expending soldiers over there.
I am angry the economy has been largely ignored or apparently misunderstood by this administration. Supply side economics simply don't work. What was done to our infrastructure to really create employment? Aside from spending in the military industrial complex, I see nothing. Perhaps economics is understood by this administration and manipulated for the benefit of Rich Allies.
It’s tough being a liberal. There is much to be frustrated with; the so-called liberal media, (actually neither liberal nor conservative just corporate) welfare myths, the surrender of civil liberties to shadowy terrorists, ad infinitum. We liberals are evidently dangerous. Apparently we're treasonous and slanderous; liberals are responsible the country’s woes. Frankly I don’t see a dime’s worth of difference between democrats or republicans. We liberals aren’t in charge and probably never were. We are just dissenters. It seems dissenting is not considered patriotic anymore. Yes, I am a liberal. An angry frustrated one, but a liberal nonetheless.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
3:35 PM
Labels: Angry Liberal Ronald Reagan George Bush Iraq Katrina
Waterboarding is not torture. Huh?
It should come as no surprise that the White House is defending the use of waterboarding during the interrogation of terrorist suspects. This is George Bush after all. It appears to me that George is a sociopath. His relationships appear to be stunted and lacking in compassion. The qualities of a psychopath seem to fit him. How could one appear okay with waterboarding? Or any form of torture? Isn't this guy supposed to be a christian? How does he justify his 'christianity' with waging war and torture? One can only assume that Bush's form of Christianity is a blood lusting cult like type. It is certainly not the one that Jesus spelled out very clearly in his Sermon on the Mount. Bush appears to be a Christian Fascist. The lack of empathy and arrogance don't jibe with the teachings of Christ. The defense of waterboarding is indefensible.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
2:54 PM
Labels: George W. Bush waterboardng sociopath Christian fascist
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Lies of George W. Bush
It has been a little while, and for all of my many readers, (all 0 of you!) I apologize. But life intrudes and I have little desire sometime to sit and vent. This time I absolutely feel the need to vent. I think George W. Bush is the worst president in U.S. History. The unbelievable incompetence and evil with which this administration has comported itself is without compare. To claim faulty intelligence leading into the war is simply untrue. The CIA knew and they told him. He just didn't want to believe it. He had decided to take this nation to war and he was going to do it. Now when chickens are attempting to come home to roost there is covering up and executive privilege taken to hide things. I quote, "A Senate committee chairman accused the Bush administration on Monday of undercutting open government with a budget proposal that would have the Justice Department oversee a new office devoted to promoting greater freedom of information." Is that Orwellian or what? The justice department oversee a freedom of information department?! Doesn't the propaganda start to wear you down? The claims to Christianity, the claims to be 'proven' by history. It all just makes me sick and angry. The lies are incredible. What else can we do but pray... Please God there is a guy down here that claims to be a follower of yours and man is he a bad dude. He is solely responsible for close to 4000 American military deaths and 10's of thousands of Iraqi deaths. He was too chicken ass to go to vietnam so he avoided it by pulling strings and getting into the national guard. Now he is sending the national guard to the front lines in Iraq. How nasty and hypocritical is that? Could you help us impeach his ass or do something to prove him out to everyone down here who (could possibly) still thinks he is a decent president. We are suffering from his arrogant rule. Help us. Amen.
Evil Links for George:
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
11:02 AM