Apparently Condi Rice thinks we will all be thanking this President for all the great stuff he has done. Like the 4000 plus dead in the useless and needless Iraq war, suspending habeus corpus, torture, and the Katrina disaster, and the failed economy, and the great big 'no strings' bailout, and the poor standing of the US in the world. I guess I could go on but what's the point. This is the latest story, and it is from someone who was probably the most incompetent National Security Director in our history. But that goes hand in hand with what is most assuredly the worst President too. For that matter she has not been the greatest Secretary of State either. There is so much that could be said about the incompetence of this administration. But I am curious why these folks feel the need to defend this dude now that his failure is coming to a close. If the President has done such a fantastic job why does he need defending or explaining or anything? Should it be self explanatory? I think so.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Mrs Bush Says husbands presidency not a failure....
And if you believe that I got a bridge to sell you chummy. This story is about an interview with the First Lady. In the interview she responds to those naysayers by stating how she doesn't need to respond to people who feel her husband is a failure. Say what? I guess George and Laura got together and compared noted cause she says that history will judge this Bozo too. Only she left out the Bozo part. Well I didn't watch the interview because it was on Fox and I don't watch Fox because Fox is the least credible of any newscast. Which says something about why Laura is hanging out on Fox eh? I think history will judge Bushie all right, it will judge him very very poorly.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
2:22 PM
Labels: Bush History Laura Fox interview
Monday, December 22, 2008
Bush Administration accuses the NY times of 'Gross Negligence'.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Oh sorry I couldn't help myself. That title is just SO funny. Here is the story. Here is a quote, ""The Times' 'reporting' in this story amounted to finding selected quotes to support a story the reporters fully intended to write from the onset, while disregarding anything that didn't fit their point of view," White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said in an e-mailed statement" I wonder if she actually said that with a straight face. Of course she did! but she must have had to practice in the mirror for a while first. Substitute 'The Times' with the Bush Administration and 'a story' with the Iraq War and whattaya got? Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Sorry there I go again. Whew! Okay after you finish reading that story you will have read how the Bush Administration apparently pushed for additional regulation for the financial markets. Now realize this; The administration came to power in 2000 with what could be called at least questionable support. But Mr. Uniter not a Divider didn't seek this opportunity to mend fences, no sir! He took a majority of Republicans in both house and went to town creating what is undoubtedly the most ideological and divided U.S. policy in history. The Administration swaggered, name-called, bullied, spyed on, tortured and waged war upon anyone who they saw fit. Is it any surprise that when finally, in the winding down of his horrible Administration, that no one wants to play ball with him even when his legislation might make sense? If I was a Congressman I would have told the Shrub to get bent too. I certainly wouldn't wanted to have been seen as cooperating with him. We saw how that worked out for McCain, eh? So now the Times reports that the Emperor has no clothes and that the laissez faire policies of the last eight years have been largly responsible for the economic disaster of today. I think we can all say, yeah right, sorry George but methinks you protest too much.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
4:17 PM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Impeach, Remove and Arrest!
The Bush administration continues to lie about what it did in the run up to the Iraq war. Claiming that bad intelligence is at fault for their decision. This is false and they know it. They claim that our allies agreed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, this is also not true.
Now they are squawking about a editorial in the NY Times exposing these very untruths. Of course there are other little tidbits that point out the lies and manipulation of the Bush Administration. There is this from 2003. Then there is Ms. Rice lying about weapons inspectors. A further article from regarding Bush untruths and the Iraq war. Of course yet another article about the lack of WMD's.
What is wrong with us?! Are we so tired of all this that we just want it to go away and never think of it again? Why won't 'We The People' demand that congress Impeach this President? His acts are criminal. And his lack of empathy and uncaring attitude is immoral. I can only hope that someone somewhere along the line might actually grow a backbone and pursue charges and indictments against this administration. Oh but the surge is working! We have 'success' in Iraq! Oh get real! the 'surge' took place in 2007, fully four years after the war started! After it had already lasted longer than our involvement in the second World War! How is that a success?
Of course the current economic crisis is going to take all the attention from any potential charges that could possibly happen. Maybe once Obama does something constructive to lift us from the disaster that Bush has put us in we might consider Justice for the creep who is responsible for over 4000 soldiers deaths and untold innocent Iraqi deaths.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
10:04 AM
Labels: Bush liar Iraq NYT WMD impeach
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Are these people serious!?
Lately certain people in the Bush administration have been talking about how it was 'unfortunate' they had bad intelligence regarding Iraq. Like Ms. Rice... And of course the Idiot in Chief Mr. Bush. He regrets his 'intelligence failures'. Damn I think the only intelligence failures these guys had was between their ears. I don't claim to be a genius but I could had told them they wouldn't find WMD in Iraq. We were bombing the snot out of Saddam for the last 10 years prior to our attack. If he could reconstitute a WMD program during that then he is a better leader than they gave him credit for. Maybe that's why they had him snuffed. Gah! Bush Administration can't be over soon enough.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
10:14 PM