The stupidity of the man known as George W. Bush is at levels that are simply impossible to fathom. In this link George compares today's wars of choice, most specifically Iraq, to WWII. The errors of comparison here are so grave that they have to be pointed out. This simply comparison made by the 'leader' of the most powerful nation on earth shows why stupid should not be left at the controls. on the statistically impossible chance that someone might actually read this let's try to enlighten him shall we? First WWII was fought against the Axis powers. These people had entire countries, organized military forces and had actually mobilized and conquered several other countries. Second when the Axis was defeated these governments actually surrendered unconditionally. Once rebuilding of their countries infrastructure began they weren't still fighting us. We weren't rebuilding Germany amidst insurgency, were we? The most important thing to realize is that even though there may be some remote similarities to today's 'terrorists' the differences are vast. You see the paradigm has changed. Today's information network and technology has made it possible for an angry empowered individual or small number of individuals to wreak death and destruction that during the era of WWII required an entire country and military. Think! There were 19 hijackers on sept 11. If we are to use George's WWII logic then by the fact that there were 15 of them from Saudi Arabia shouldn't we have attacked the Saudis? There is something else at play here and Mr. Bush isn't talking about it. To attack countries in this supposed 'war on terror' (how do you declare war on a tactic?) is exactly the wrong thing to do. It provides an Empire against which rebels can organize and wage attacks. We need to form alliances with moderate muslim countries. We need to cooperate with their security forces to bring these crazy people to justice. Punishing entire civilian populations only creates more crazy terrorists. George W. Bush doesn't get it. He never has and he never will. Idiot.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day for George W.
Just because today is memorial day and I don't want people to forget that the Iraq War was a war of choice. A choice made by a president who gets to ride his bike every day, watch his daughter get married, go home and bang his wife and posture about like he actually made a decision that history will find to be a good one. Over 4000 of our soldiers dead and untold civilians. Thanks W.
Here is an unbelievable video from Irish TV. George Bush shows himself to be an incredibly insensitive asshole. What an embarrassment.
Thanks G, you're an asshole and a murderer. You claim that Jesus teaches you peace yet you wage war. If hell doesn't exist it will be created just for you.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
9:21 AM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
More on Imbecilic statements. This just in! Apparently GWB thinks that talking to those countries like Iran and Cuba and Syria in search of a solution to problems of terrorism and the problem of Israel vs Palestine is appeasement. Really? He and his ilk are constantly drawing the analogy of appeasing the nazis and how well that worked. Of course making that comparision and drawing the same conclusions from it show a serious misunderstanding of the world. At least the rest of the 'normal' world that isn't as fantastically wealthy and completely out of touch with reality. Do certain Muslims and terrorists want to create some sort of islamic world state? Sure, no one can argue that that is not true. But there are Christians that want to do the same thing. Do you draw the same conclusions from them?
Not only that but Shia and Sunni continue to murder one another and cannot agree, muslims in palestine are constantly battling and killing one another. They only agree that they hate Israel more than each other. This isn't 1939. And these organizations aren't Germany, nor are they very organized. But by conducting his foreign policies the way he has for the last 7 1/2 years it is only driving the moderate muslims to agree with the crazy idiot terrorist muslims. The real issue is getting the Arab countries to accept Israel and leave it alone. The Israelis Palestine issue is the real problem and what has been done about that? Very little. Bush et al, are naive and incompetent hopefully we can recover from their unbeleivable stupidity. Hey here is a suggestion. Here is another little interesting blurb on 9/11 and terrorism. Terrorists living in the US, US organizations raising money for Hamas and Al Qaeda and this has been occurring since Ronnie Reagan til Bushie jr. Unbelievable. Bush is a war criminal. He and his Administration should be locked up. Damn
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
9:46 AM