That success and the law of attraction must work. It just becomes so very hard to stay in the frame of mind that the various teachers tell you to. I am reading The Secret and I read and devoured The Science of Getting Rich, but boy is this mental work hard. Our minds are so used to bouncing all over the place that sometime I feel like Ricochet Rabbit. I know this must work because when you look around you so many people do it even without realizing it. The current president is an excellent example. He isn't terribly bright, or even competent but because he believes internally that he is an individual of power, wealth and prestige then his internal world becomes his external world. It is simply obvious that believing internally is so much easier when it is all you have ever known. I have told myself that I refuse to give up, I do not care what it will take I intend to achieve success for myself and my family. I am a wealthy man, I have a million and I am paying for my dreams. This is my belief.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Two interesting things happened ...
I had a couple things happen to me that I think are pretty incredible. These are small but important if you are one of those reading "The Secret" and other books about the Law of Attraction.
I was finishing up my day at work and I paused for a moment to read a few pages of The Secret. There was a blurb in there about trying this with something small like a cup of coffee. I am a coffee drinker and right about then I was feeling like I could go for a cuppa. So I said to myself, I am going to try this and I said, out loud even because there was no one around by this hour, I want a cup of coffee and I believed it was going to happen this evening. So I went to the mens room and then trolled down the office break room to see if my coffee was there. By this hour the break room is usually empty with nothing but tables and chairs and such. But lo and behold when I went in there were several carafe's of coffee left by our coffee service! Normally this is never done but today there it was. Needless to say I was floored. I poured out my (free) coffee and drank up courtesy of The Universe. Wow.
Okay, that worked. So I wondered let's try this for something a little more complex, I like to get money in the mail, who doesn't? So a few days later I asked for money in the mail, I asked for it, I felt it and I wanted it. In fact I am wanting it now so we will see when I get home how much money is in my mailbox. But that night when I checked my mail I had been sent $25 as a gift from a credit card company! Woohoo! I also had a check for $660 ! Yeah baby! This stuff works! I later found I couldn't use the check because of a technicality but still it WAS sent to me and nonetheless I still had the $25 and that was pretty wild. So it is plain that this "Secret" is real and it works. I just need to apply it to my larger goals and watch what takes place. I am getting excited wondering what is in my mailbox.
The hard part about it all is staying in the positive mode. It is so easy to slide out. When you dwell on what you don't have and what you can't pay and what you can't do it is very easy to spiral downward. The main point then is to stay grateful and concentrate on what you do have, both currently and what you are attracting to you. Because if we believe it we can receive.
I like to think of the quantum physics experiments that are affected by having an observer. If you can move and affect atoms just by looking at them and having certain expectations of them then the idea of manipulating the Formless Substance via certain methods makes perfect sense to me. I am keeping on .....
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
2:51 PM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
frustration city
Just a note to get this out. Man am I tense, anxious and frustrated! How do you maintain the good vibes, the positive thinking, the mental thought that would give you good things, when people sometime seem to do their best to piss you off?! How does one do this? I am reminded of the story of the monk who secluded himself in the mountains and then spent many months and years reaching enlightenment. Then when he goes to the village and into the crowded street he becomes angry and frustrated when he is constantly being bumped by the rushing people. In his frustration and anger he actually hits someone. Doesn't seem very enlightened does it? I am hoping that the act of writing this stuff down will help me release some tension. I am done now.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
7:01 PM
Friday, February 9, 2007
The Positive Thinker.
Ah, yes back again. I need someone to interact with or something. But I am patient. It's been a couple days now and I still haven't heard back from my email inquiry to , maybe they are getting flooded with other inquiries. Everyone wants to have magic things happen.
I decided I am going to write a book. It is an idea that I have always had and I even made a few halfhearted attempts many years ago. But each time I started I would get bogged down in the idea or story and what initially had sounded good, read out as really goofy the next day. This idea is different and I think it has potential. At least when I come back the next day to read it it doesn't make me roll my eyes and wonder what the hell I was thinking. Getting it written is the first step and I will take it all one step at a time.
Still reading The Master Key, by Charles Haanel. VERY very interesting stuff. This guy died in 1949 and he achieved great wealth during his lifetime. When you realize that his lifetime includes the great depression it makes you consider that what he is saying has validity and truth.
The next read I am going to try will be The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. This dude was poor most of his life and struggled with poverty and debt. By applying his own ideas he achieved wealth in his lifetime. This guy definitely did not like being poor and had nothing at all good to say about it. Interesting biography but not much written about him, the bio itself is a bit scarce in content.
As I surf the net in search of law of attraction content, I find that I am not alone in my idea that putting up a website/blog on the topic would be handy/helpful/good. Oh well, I can just keep pluggin and we will see what this all morphs into. That's all for now....
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
3:07 PM
Labels: Charles Haanel, Master Key, Wallace Wattles
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Here is what I have done so far.
I posted yesterday and can see that this has found no one out in the ether of the internet. Not that that is a bad thing I guess, I mean it has only been one day. I don't see a counter on the page and I am new at this blog stuff, so I will have to look into putting one on the page. Anywho, As I mentioned I am reading a book called, "The Secret", which essentially talks about the law of attraction. It is based on the idea that your inner thoughts are manifested in outer reality. So if you are thinking constantly about how poor you are or how broke you are or how you never have enough money to do things you want or that your life generally sucks then that is the quality of life that will manifest itself for you. But if you think about how great your life is and how fortunate you have been and how you have money coming out the wazoo then that quality will also manifest itself. I think most average people are somewhere in between. So that they feel that their life doesn't suck but that it is generally okay. And thus most folks lives are generally okay.
Now I have no desire to be hugely famous or even hugely rich I just want to be able to do what I want to do without worrying if I have enough money. So to me that means achieving enough cash flow so that I can save some off or make a large expenditure once in a while for something special.
I am also reading, The Master Key, by Charles Haanel. This e-book is also on The Secret website. So far it is quite interesting to read. It is in the style of aphorisms which is a curious style similar to the Dhammapada, but quite effective. You can read each one sort of like eating popcorn, one at a time. I am really banking, no pun intended, on these books being for real. Since after the Master Key was published the church actually banned it, I am figuring that it probably has truth to it, since the church generally doesn't like competition.
The Secret website lets you register and then you can ask questions of each of the 'Master Teachers'. I posed a question yesterday and directed it toward Jack Canfield. We shall see if it gets answered. It will boost my believability factor in this if he does answer me. I guess I am somewhat cynical but I hope for the best.
As I said I want this blog to be a record of my travels down this path and we shall all see together how this plays out. Time will tell. I personally feel good about it and I think results will be happy.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
1:51 PM
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Let's Start out Fresh! This is a test, only a test....
I am just starting this blog in the hopes that this may be helpful to me and others like me. You see I desire success in my life. Yeah sure, and what the heck is that? Well if you read books like Napoleon Hill or the latest book called The Secret by Rhonda Byrne I think you can relate to what I am saying. This little blurb then, is basically just a test to see what this looks like, if it is the right forum for this sort of thing and if anyone actually reads this stuff.
I have attempted to create websites before and frankly I was the only one to ever visit what I had created. So in essence I was only shouting into the wind. Let's see how this goes and stay tuned I think I may like doing this if it turns out to be helpful to me or anyone else.
Just for more info, in case you landed here and have no idea what the heck I am talking about, here are a few links.
The Secret
Napoleon Hill
A wiki on Napoleon Hill
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
3:55 PM