A question that comes to my mind every time I stop at a station to gas up my car is why the hell are prices so high? Don't hand me that old supply and demand line because it seems to me that that's a little out of whack. Why just the other day I was on my way to work, late as usual, and even though running on empty I decided to wait until the afternoon and gas up after work. When I went to do so the price of gas had gone up ten cents a gallon. WTF! You mean to tell me that the gas that was in that tank somehow magically became more expensive in just a few hours? Isn't it the same gasoline that was selling for 10 cents less that morning? That just doesn't make sense to me. This article would imply that there is a great deal to the price of oil that is speculative. If that is so it would seem that our government could do something to lower the price. For that matter was the Iraq war supposed to provide us with a whole slew of oil? What is up with production there? It is lower than before the Invasion, can't we do something to help bring that up? I mean what good is it to be a capitalist imperial empire if we can't even run our occupied territories and exploit their resources? I mean c'mon for cryin out loud. If we could 'force' a little flooding of the market maybe the price would come down a bit. Of course that is only a short term solution. What we really need is to stop using as much oil, foreign and otherwise, as we can. This interesting solution is kind of cool. (Oops apparently a urban myth too. So much for my critical intellect.) I wonder why you don't see this all over the news? (Well it was on FOX but obviously their critical thinking is flawed anyway) Or how come our 'free market' hasn't made this readily available for the public? (I guess because it doesn't really work? Dang I hate it when the free market works the way it should :-) ! ) Could it be that our free market economy is truly only free for those who already have all the 'gold'? Something like this would probably cut into their profits eh? Ah now I am just being cynical. I really have to stop doing that.
Well the HHO thingy is a hoax, urban myth, whatever. Chemistry was never my strong subject. Anyway it doesn't change the fact that the amount of money the oil companies are making is so huge that they could cut the price of their product in half and still make an incredible profit. Since they have a monopoly on the product, for all intents and purposes, I think we (the government) should do something to force the cost down.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Why are Gas Prices so High?
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
9:52 PM
Labels: Gas prices Iraq Imperial empire HHO Oil speculative record profits
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
I can't help myself, What's Bush's excuse?
Yes, I know I wasn't planning on writing anything til after the new year but I really can't help myself. Especially when things happen like Bush signing spending bills and bitching about the democrats spending. You know it boggles my mind when this guy can sign legislation that gives him yet another blank check for his war and he has the audacity to complain about the pork in the bill? Hello? Anyone remember that Mr. Bush was handed a huge surplus by his predecessor? One that he quickly turned into a deficit by handing most of the wealthy a big tax cut. How about this quote from the Brookings Institute, "We are so numbed by large numbers that the once-in-a-generation significance of prospective surpluses of nearly $5 trillion over the next fifteen years is hard to appreciate." Hard to believe isn't it? Within one presidential term this potential surplus became the largest deficit in history. Thanks Mr. Bush. (asshole) And since we are on the subject of fiscal numbers did you ever have the feeling that things are just a little harder economically for you (us) middle class folks than they were for your Mommy and Daddy? Well they are harder! And here I thought it was my imagination, and I was just being irresponsible wanting to eat AND buy my prescriptions AND heat my home this winter. Heck I feel warmer already. But what is middle class nowadays? More than 40k? More than 100k? Who knows anymore. But fortunately we have tips on how to cope. What's most frustrating is that our wonderful 'christian' president has no idea what it's like to be crunched. He is in a world of his own. You gotta admit it is pretty ballsy to call the troops on the holidays and thank them for the service they are providing. Of course it's just a service to him. Mr. Bush, how many dead now? I know he is not a reader or anything, except maybe the sports page and his comic books, but maybe he should hunker down and read the Sermon on the Mount. I think there is something in there about the meek inheriting the earth and some other tripe about being kind to your neighbors and such. Maybe you're just another despot? I could go on and on but I will save it for another post at a later date. There is never too much to write about our pal George. Sadly for him not much of it is good.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
11:01 PM
Labels: George Bush Spending Bill Surplus Deficit Middle Class Christian Sermon Mount
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Comments on Today's Headlines
On a political note it seems that dang Ron Paul keeps being a spoilsport and doing things like raising 6 million dollars in a day. Yikes! Mike Huckabee continues his meteoric rise. Personally I don't think I would be comfortable with some one who is a pastor being president. His past comments about women, winning the country for Christ, etc. Do we really need a Christian ayatollah of our own? Well at least Tancredo has dropped out. He didn't stand a chance anyway.
A funny note, the energy bill was delivered to the White House in a Prius. This apparently angered the michigan representatives. Well when the detroit automakers can make a hybrid a good as a Prius maybe they will be worth driving around in! Isn't that what our glorious market economy is all about?
Ah you got to love it when people complain because the capitalist market did what it was supposed to do. It's always puzzling when folks want the government to leave them alone, except of course when what's happening is affecting them and then by gorey the government aught to do something! Go figure. Well that's it for now. Merry Christmas and see you next year.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
1:51 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Economy OK! Thanks Mr. Bush I certainly couldn't have guessed.
Just in case you are one of those people who is finding it difficult to heat your home this winter because Heating Oil is around $3 a gallon. Or more expensive to commute to work as gasoline hovers around $3.06 a gallon. Christmas is almost upon us and you may be feeling the crunch from buying those requisite gifts. Maybe you're thinking you can do without that medication for a week or two so you can buy a little extra from the supermarket. Or maybe you're really feeling the crunch because you're one of those laid off as your jobs goes to China or India or who knows where, and your unemployment is winding down and you have yet to find a good job. But rest easy the Great Communicator once said, "Unemployment insurance is a pre-paid vacation for freeloaders." so you're getting a vacation, enjoy it! But you can truly rest easy because George W. Bush says the US economy is really safe and sound. There you have it, what more do you need to know?! Let's not forget that we have a war that our government continues to spend billions of dollars to wage. (We need to rebuild all that Iraqi infrastructure we blew the snot out of.) Consumer Confidence is at an all time low. As the housing market and credit crunch threaten to send the country into recession, our president goes into denial and says, hey all is well. Well of course it is for your ilk you idiot! You been raised never wanting for a thing, unlike the majority of us. I think we need some jobs programs. How about making education affordable? Bush says raising taxes would only make things worse, I suppose that depends on who you're raising them on doesn't it? I dare say some of your ultra rich buddies could probably afford a tax hike. Let's not forget this moron stole office with a huge surplus and quickly turned it into a record deficit. More than all presidents before him combined. Interesting article here on US Debt. It's one thing to use that debt to make improvements in your infrastructure and investments in your populace. It's another to throw it into military conquest and big breaks and payola for all your buddies. I am just glad to know that the US economy is safe and sound. Hey, George said so and we know it's just not in his constitution to lie right? Right?
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
2:26 PM
Labels: Economy George W. Bush Great Communicator Education affordable US Debt
Monday, December 17, 2007
To The Masquerade
I wouldn't normally do this but hey, it's my blog right? This is a band that I have become quite taken with. They don't have a CD out yet but they have started a buzz in the Boston area. They played most recently at The Middle East Upstairs in Cambridge, and they will be playing there again in january. Recently they got a little sponsorship from Rugby.com, which is a branch of Ralph Lauren. They played an acoustic show on the 15th of december at the Rugby store in New Canaan, Connecticut. I heard rumours that they may play Bill's Bar in Boston too. We'll see. Great bunch of Guys and really very talented. Check out these links,
Their MySpace page
To The Masquerade, still under construction but coming soon.
An Interview with Rugby.com's Inside Center.
Boston Phoenix profile
The Rugby Store Event, New Canaan.
To The Masquerade at MusicNation.com
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
9:25 AM
Labels: To The Masquerade Rugby.com Ralph Lauren MusicNation MySpace
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Stupid Media and Politicians
Hows about this? Buried on page 4 of my newspaper is a story about our brandy new AG Michael Mukasey refusing to give details to congress about the CIA interrogation tapes. In fact I couldn't even find the same story in the local online paper, I had to go to the New York Times. That seems a little like someone our senate shouldn't have approved to me. This is the guy who dicked around about defining waterboarding as torture. Huh? How can there be any question about that? On that note you may be pleased to hear that senate republicans blocked a bill that would require the CIA to adhere to the Army's field manual on interrogation, this is the manual that bans interrogation methods like waterboarding and mock execution and other 'harsh' methods. WTF!! Couple that with the story, also buried on page 4 that gives the president another gazillion dollars for his war with no time table and does anyone wonder why congress' approval rating is below the presidents? I couldn't find that story in the local online either, so here is MSNBC. What part of a 70% disapproval of that dickhead George does anyone in congress not understand? I am not sure what angers me more, not being able to see what should be real news on the front page or the fact that this is happening at all. What's on the front page you ask? Well we have to have a story about snow weather, and christmas decorations. The story on train subsidies I can see but geez louise, how is a responsible citizen supposed to react when the media local and otherwise won't provide the friggin news?! How about this? The United States should not torture people. We should punish those in our government who do or did. We should lose all the secrecy, too many damn secrets. Criminy
I am starting to think I just may support Ron Paul for President. No I am not saying what my newspaper is though you should be able to guess, since I live in Portland Me.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
11:13 AM
Labels: Michael Mukasey waterboarding Ron Paul Dickhead George
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Just a small addition....
I am sitting and watching TV with my laptop in my lap. I like to veg out and unwind after a day of work with systems and such. You would think after working with computers all day I would be tired of them but I am not. I think these things are the new frontier. Anyway you may have guessed that one thing I am very upset about is our current commander in chief. This guy frustrates the hell out of me. He represents and epitomizes everything that I despise about our government and society. A rich kid who has never had to figure out how to get along on his own. He never has had to worry about paying his bills or whether he would buy food or medicines or heating oil this month because he couldn't afford all three. Yet he has the audacity to think that he is smart enough to be our president. Nothing could be further from the truth. He doesn't understand the 'internets'. Talks about 'true facts', as if there are any other kind. Doesn't know how to pronounce 'nucular'. Argues for the sanctity of life yet has no issues with executing over 150 prisoners in Texas, (as governor) or starting wars. Takes no responsibility for his or his administration's actions, even though the ultimate responsibility is his. This president is solely responsible for start a war that is likely to be illegal and solely responsible for the deaths of over 3000 of our soldiers. I have never been so actively angry at a politician in my life. Here as some links that I find interesting. We should all be scared shitless. A psychoanalysis. A Pile of Links. Impeach him!
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
8:43 PM
This isn't the America I was raised in.
When I was young I was taught that we, America, were the good guys. We saved the world from Hitler and the Imperial Japanese. And, the Vietnam war not withstanding, we represented truth and justice. We the people meant it when we said that. We took to the streets to demand Civil rights for all Americans. We took to the streets to demand an end to the Vietnam war. And we did it. We the people wrought real change in the US. When Richard Nixon tapped phones and used the power of his office to twist arms we forced his resignation, it was either that or be impeached. And soon after congress implemented the FISA court, so you needed a court order to tap a phone and spy on a fellow american. Sadly since 1980 I have watched all that I was taught that America represented slowly disappear. Interestingly the first inkling for me was the elimination of the CETA program. Anyone remember that? It actually put people to work, gave them training and experience and a paycheck. Our buddy Ronnie Reagan got rid of that. Then he proceeded to create a bigger deficit than ever before. Mainly due to increases in military budget, and he cut basic useful programs; "Eliminate Social Security minimum benefits. Cap the runaway costs of Medicaid. Tighten eligibility for food stamps. Merge the trade adjustment assistance for unemployed industrial workers with standard unemployment compensation and shrink it. Cut education aid by a quarter. Cut grants for the arts and humanities in half. "Zero out" CETA and the Community Services Administration and National Consumer Cooperative Bank." Quoted from this article. Maybe we should be glad that this was all that was trimmed from the budget, because if David Stockman had had his original way we would have lost much much more. I am an ole time liberal socialist and I think that the country needed those programs. The gap between the richest Americans and the poorest Americans continue to grow wider. It was obvious from George W.'s tax cuts that they were meant to be aimed at the wealthiest. So Paris Hilton got a nice big tax savings and I saw an $8 reduction in my taxes. I think I would rather they keep my $8 and create a national health plan. How about lifting the ceiling on social security and medicare taxes so wealthier people are paying their share? Why don't we re-establish the estate tax and funnel that money directly into social security. And finally why not make the social security fund a separate, protected fund so it can't be stolen from as it has been for generations. Let's stop tearing down the New Deal and Great Society programs that have and had been working. Let's put them back and help close the gap between rich and poor. It's time, because I don't know about you but I have had enough.
Now under the current administration, the closest to fascism than ever, we torture our prisoners. We can disappear someone for no reason other than the government says you are a terrorist. Bush the younger lied us into a war in Iraq and rhetoric is spinning up for a war with Iran. The current administration used the disaster of 9/11 to make political hay and force laws down our throats that remove our liberties and threaten our republic. The ill-named patriot act and the military commissions act to name two. This is not the america I grew up in. I don't know what happened to it, but I wish it would come back.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
9:37 AM
Labels: America New Deal Great Society David Stockman Ronnie Reagan
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Why can't People just be logical or even consistent?
Here is something that I really find kind of irritating. This link talks about a young lady, Kristi Burton, who is a law student and has decided to push for making fertilized eggs, people, thus giving them certain rights. To be fair she is just pushing for defining when human life begins but the agenda is clear. Let's ignore the obvious problem with the fourteenth amendment to the constitution. You know the one where people born or naturalized in the United States have all the protections of the Constitution? See the obvious problem there? So let's say we give fertilized eggs these rights and protections. Once they are born, following the same logic, these people now have the right to be treated and raised in a safe environment don't they? How are you going to guarantee that? If we continue the same thought process, shouldn't people be assured that they will be able to eat, have shelter and clothing? Of course it goes without saying that capital punishment executions would need to be banned, since human life needs to be protected. And of course wars and armed conflicts need to disappear as well. The thing is that it would be wonderful if one could ensure that we as a society could protect all human life. We should. But this becomes a slippery slope. Until we can ensure the same general protections from womb to grave, for legal purposes human life begins at birth. Or at least if you are going to protect eggs and fetuses to the fullest extent of the law then that protection shouldn't stop once you're squished out into the world.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
9:51 AM
Labels: Kristi Burton Constitution Human Life Eggs Fertilize
Monday, December 10, 2007
Socialism, Is it really the big Bogeyman?
Hello! If you grew up in the United States as I did, then you were probably indoctrinated very early on about the superiority of the 'free market'. Some of us as we grow older begin to question that wisdom. Especially those who may suffer at the invisible hands of Adam Smith's free market. Here in Maine the free market has pretty much demolished the paper industry. It could be argued that the industry didn't make the necessary capital investments, but not withstanding that, no one can argue that employee costs were more expensive and would have made it difficult to remain competitive in the global marketplace.
As I sit in traffic crawling ahead at an agonizing pace, I begin to question the free market benefit of the automobile as opposed to some other form of transit. I know from local history that at one time I could have gotten onto a trolley right in the town in which I live and not only could I have ridden from my town to my workplace, but I could have traveled to almost any major city. Right now my heating oil costs are ridiculously high and I wonder how I am going to pay them. I see that the price of the cost of a barrel of oil fell considerably from the almost $100 that it was. Then, not so coincidentally perhaps, a rocket attack occurred on an Iraqi refinery, and I seem to recall though I cannot find it an attack on a oil pipeline as well. I am sure that the price of oil will go up in response. So what's an average american to do? Why is the health system so damn expensive? Why is oil and gas so expensive? Why is Cuba, who we have blockaded for over 40 years, able to provide free health care for all it's citizens? Not only that but they send doctors to other countries to provide charity health care! Huh? Why does socialism have such a bad rap? Some would reply, okay but if we did all those things our taxes would go through the roof! I think maybe they would be higher but why then are those countries that people use for comparison all maintaining a higher standard of living for their citizens? Keep in mind that Social Security, which is undoubtedly the most successfully social program the US has ever had, is a socialist program. As is Medicare for that matter. In fact if we are to be particular, our police, firemen, and even our military are socialized programs. See, here is the thing. The free market does a good job in distributing goods and some services according to need based on perceived desire. But that being said there are other things for which a profit motive is not the best way to provide the service. The best example is the providing of health care. There are some instances where it is more profitable to let the patient die. However that is probably not the desired outcome in most cases. Suffice it to say a socialized health system is probably in our best interests. You see most of us have been indoctrinated and continue to be propagandized into believing that socialism = dictatorship and that just isn't true. The current idiot in office has done more to move us toward a dictatorship than any socialist program ever would. The important part is to keep the republic whole. Not to dislodge any rights, freedoms and liberties while at the same time being sure to 'promote the general welfare'. Right now that is in trouble and we have more to worry about becoming fascist than we do socialist. See this too. It's time we took a page from Canada and some Scandinavian countries and applied a little common sense. I am guessing it won't happen as long as we are essentially run by the corporations of america.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
9:56 AM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
George Bush is an Idiot
"And chances are your America and George W. Bush's America are not the same place. If you are dead center on the earning scale in real-world twenty-first-century America, you make a bit less than $32,000 a year, and $32,000 is not a sum that Mr. Bush has ever associated with getting by in his world. Bush, who has always managed to fail upwards in his various careers, has never had a job the way you have a job—where not showing up one morning gets you fired, costing you your health benefits. He may find it difficult to relate personally to any of the nearly two million citizens who've lost their jobs under his administration, the first administration since Herbert Hoover's to post a net loss of jobs. Mr. Bush has never had to worry that he couldn't afford the best available health care for his children. For him, forty-three million people without health insurance may be no more than a politically inconvenient abstraction. When Mr. Bush talks about the economy, he is not talking about your economy. His economy is filled with pals called Kenny-boy who fly around in their own airplanes. In Bush's economy, his world, friends relocate offshore to avoid paying taxes. Taxes are for chumps like you. You are not a friend. You're the help. When the party Mr. Bush is hosting in his world ends, you'll be left picking shrimp toast out of the carpet."
Finally the man is just a damn idiot.
George Idiot Bush - The most popular videos are here
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
1:20 PM
Labels: George Bush Idiot
A Change of Things and Direction.
Well. Here I am again. I decided to change my blog to just a free association of thoughts. I hadn't touched this for many months and I felt I wanted to revisit it. I was initially quite taken by the book 'The Secret' and I thought this was a great way to achieve success. But it seems the best way to achieve any success using those methods is to become a motivational speaker. I can't help but think of Chris Farley's motivational speaker Matt Foley. But it seems to me the only people getting rich from any 'Secrets' are the motivational speakers and teachers. I guess I am pretty disillusioned by all that hype. I used the 'Secret' site to send email to a 'teacher' who never ever emailed me back or got in touch in any way. I know they are probably busy, but hey if that is the case then don't sell yourself as a teacher. Cause ya know teachers have to actually talk to their students at some time. Sheesh! I really do believe in the Law of Attraction, even if it isn't a law, it just feels right. But golly why does it have to be surrounded by such charlatans! There are definitely some logical issues with it too. But I do think that somehow we all interact on an atomic level of thought somehow. I guess I need to find my own way.
I am also hoping that writing my thoughts about anything no matter how bizarre will help relieve some of the anxiety I feel throughout my life. But that's a topic for another post. I will see if I can't be a little more religious about posting entries as well. Hey! Religion is another good topic too. Anyway that is my brief explanation of this blog and what I have been thinking.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
10:45 AM
Labels: Change Direction, Law of Attraction, Matt Foley
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Hello Again, a few more ramblings
Back again after a short hiatus. I was on vacation. It seems that the law of attraction is in concept a neat thing. I also truly believe that it works. But it seems the vast majority of people either think that it´s a crock or don´t know of it at all. I have noticed that if one makes a positive statement when in a group, for example, ´I think our company bonus will be 12% this year´. Most people are likely to snort derisively and say things like, ´dream on´ or ´not a chance´. So, in short most people are simply of a negative mind set. Why is that? Most folks it would seem are more apt to want to see another fail. How come? Just look at the news and see what gets the most media time, Britney Spears breakdown, Anna Nicole´s funeral, celebrities in rehab. WhatÅ› going on? I have gotten so I don´t watch the news at all except to see the weather.
Interestingly my wife and I got a check in the mail two days ago, completely unexpected. Woohoo! I am reading The Master Key still and trying to visualize a million dollar lifestyle as well as a million dollars. I wonder if visualizing winning the lottery is kosher?
I have also read, The Secret and I plan to watch the movie as well. However the website www.thesecret.tv has lots of good stuff in it. One that I have mentioned is that you are supposed to be able to ask questions of ´Master Teachers´. I have posed three questions and none of them have been replied to yet. That is somewhat discouraging. I am going to put it down to maybe they get a gazillion emails a day or something. We shall see.
The interesting thing is that if you are completely objective and secular about this LOA and Universal stuff. It is the same thing that cause people to pray and ask their prayers to be answered. In the bible Jesus says, "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." Matthew 21:22 (KJV) " The key part of that phrase is BELIEVING, I think. When you ask you must then believe and that is the hard part. So try to forget all the religious preconceptions around the bible and Jesus and what he is teaching is revolutionary, and exactly what the book, The Secret and The Master Key and even The Science of Getting Rich say as well. Ask (pray), Believe it, then Recieve. Incredible.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
10:41 AM
Labels: The Secret
Sunday, February 18, 2007
I am convinced....
That success and the law of attraction must work. It just becomes so very hard to stay in the frame of mind that the various teachers tell you to. I am reading The Secret and I read and devoured The Science of Getting Rich, but boy is this mental work hard. Our minds are so used to bouncing all over the place that sometime I feel like Ricochet Rabbit. I know this must work because when you look around you so many people do it even without realizing it. The current president is an excellent example. He isn't terribly bright, or even competent but because he believes internally that he is an individual of power, wealth and prestige then his internal world becomes his external world. It is simply obvious that believing internally is so much easier when it is all you have ever known. I have told myself that I refuse to give up, I do not care what it will take I intend to achieve success for myself and my family. I am a wealthy man, I have a million and I am paying for my dreams. This is my belief.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
4:58 PM
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Two interesting things happened ...
I had a couple things happen to me that I think are pretty incredible. These are small but important if you are one of those reading "The Secret" and other books about the Law of Attraction.
I was finishing up my day at work and I paused for a moment to read a few pages of The Secret. There was a blurb in there about trying this with something small like a cup of coffee. I am a coffee drinker and right about then I was feeling like I could go for a cuppa. So I said to myself, I am going to try this and I said, out loud even because there was no one around by this hour, I want a cup of coffee and I believed it was going to happen this evening. So I went to the mens room and then trolled down the office break room to see if my coffee was there. By this hour the break room is usually empty with nothing but tables and chairs and such. But lo and behold when I went in there were several carafe's of coffee left by our coffee service! Normally this is never done but today there it was. Needless to say I was floored. I poured out my (free) coffee and drank up courtesy of The Universe. Wow.
Okay, that worked. So I wondered let's try this for something a little more complex, I like to get money in the mail, who doesn't? So a few days later I asked for money in the mail, I asked for it, I felt it and I wanted it. In fact I am wanting it now so we will see when I get home how much money is in my mailbox. But that night when I checked my mail I had been sent $25 as a gift from a credit card company! Woohoo! I also had a check for $660 ! Yeah baby! This stuff works! I later found I couldn't use the check because of a technicality but still it WAS sent to me and nonetheless I still had the $25 and that was pretty wild. So it is plain that this "Secret" is real and it works. I just need to apply it to my larger goals and watch what takes place. I am getting excited wondering what is in my mailbox.
The hard part about it all is staying in the positive mode. It is so easy to slide out. When you dwell on what you don't have and what you can't pay and what you can't do it is very easy to spiral downward. The main point then is to stay grateful and concentrate on what you do have, both currently and what you are attracting to you. Because if we believe it we can receive.
I like to think of the quantum physics experiments that are affected by having an observer. If you can move and affect atoms just by looking at them and having certain expectations of them then the idea of manipulating the Formless Substance via certain methods makes perfect sense to me. I am keeping on .....
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
2:51 PM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
frustration city
Just a note to get this out. Man am I tense, anxious and frustrated! How do you maintain the good vibes, the positive thinking, the mental thought that would give you good things, when people sometime seem to do their best to piss you off?! How does one do this? I am reminded of the story of the monk who secluded himself in the mountains and then spent many months and years reaching enlightenment. Then when he goes to the village and into the crowded street he becomes angry and frustrated when he is constantly being bumped by the rushing people. In his frustration and anger he actually hits someone. Doesn't seem very enlightened does it? I am hoping that the act of writing this stuff down will help me release some tension. I am done now.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
7:01 PM
Friday, February 9, 2007
The Positive Thinker.
Ah, yes back again. I need someone to interact with or something. But I am patient. It's been a couple days now and I still haven't heard back from my email inquiry to thesecret.tv , maybe they are getting flooded with other inquiries. Everyone wants to have magic things happen.
I decided I am going to write a book. It is an idea that I have always had and I even made a few halfhearted attempts many years ago. But each time I started I would get bogged down in the idea or story and what initially had sounded good, read out as really goofy the next day. This idea is different and I think it has potential. At least when I come back the next day to read it it doesn't make me roll my eyes and wonder what the hell I was thinking. Getting it written is the first step and I will take it all one step at a time.
Still reading The Master Key, by Charles Haanel. VERY very interesting stuff. This guy died in 1949 and he achieved great wealth during his lifetime. When you realize that his lifetime includes the great depression it makes you consider that what he is saying has validity and truth.
The next read I am going to try will be The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. This dude was poor most of his life and struggled with poverty and debt. By applying his own ideas he achieved wealth in his lifetime. This guy definitely did not like being poor and had nothing at all good to say about it. Interesting biography but not much written about him, the bio itself is a bit scarce in content.
As I surf the net in search of law of attraction content, I find that I am not alone in my idea that putting up a website/blog on the topic would be handy/helpful/good. Oh well, I can just keep pluggin and we will see what this all morphs into. That's all for now....
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
3:07 PM
Labels: Charles Haanel, Master Key, Wallace Wattles
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Here is what I have done so far.
I posted yesterday and can see that this has found no one out in the ether of the internet. Not that that is a bad thing I guess, I mean it has only been one day. I don't see a counter on the page and I am new at this blog stuff, so I will have to look into putting one on the page. Anywho, As I mentioned I am reading a book called, "The Secret", which essentially talks about the law of attraction. It is based on the idea that your inner thoughts are manifested in outer reality. So if you are thinking constantly about how poor you are or how broke you are or how you never have enough money to do things you want or that your life generally sucks then that is the quality of life that will manifest itself for you. But if you think about how great your life is and how fortunate you have been and how you have money coming out the wazoo then that quality will also manifest itself. I think most average people are somewhere in between. So that they feel that their life doesn't suck but that it is generally okay. And thus most folks lives are generally okay.
Now I have no desire to be hugely famous or even hugely rich I just want to be able to do what I want to do without worrying if I have enough money. So to me that means achieving enough cash flow so that I can save some off or make a large expenditure once in a while for something special.
I am also reading, The Master Key, by Charles Haanel. This e-book is also on The Secret website. So far it is quite interesting to read. It is in the style of aphorisms which is a curious style similar to the Dhammapada, but quite effective. You can read each one sort of like eating popcorn, one at a time. I am really banking, no pun intended, on these books being for real. Since after the Master Key was published the church actually banned it, I am figuring that it probably has truth to it, since the church generally doesn't like competition.
The Secret website lets you register and then you can ask questions of each of the 'Master Teachers'. I posed a question yesterday and directed it toward Jack Canfield. We shall see if it gets answered. It will boost my believability factor in this if he does answer me. I guess I am somewhat cynical but I hope for the best.
As I said I want this blog to be a record of my travels down this path and we shall all see together how this plays out. Time will tell. I personally feel good about it and I think results will be happy.
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
1:51 PM
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Let's Start out Fresh! This is a test, only a test....
I am just starting this blog in the hopes that this may be helpful to me and others like me. You see I desire success in my life. Yeah sure, and what the heck is that? Well if you read books like Napoleon Hill or the latest book called The Secret by Rhonda Byrne I think you can relate to what I am saying. This little blurb then, is basically just a test to see what this looks like, if it is the right forum for this sort of thing and if anyone actually reads this stuff.
I have attempted to create websites before and frankly I was the only one to ever visit what I had created. So in essence I was only shouting into the wind. Let's see how this goes and stay tuned I think I may like doing this if it turns out to be helpful to me or anyone else.
Just for more info, in case you landed here and have no idea what the heck I am talking about, here are a few links.
The Secret
Napoleon Hill
A wiki on Napoleon Hill
Posted by
Pluto Sontse
3:55 PM